9395362273 (Office) | 0361- 4058375 | 6901311212 (Conference Centre) info@cbcnei.org
Conference Centre

Conference Centre

  For booking please contact: 6913512150 | 6901311212 | confcentre@cbcnei.in   CBCNEI Conference Centre (CCC) is located within the Mission Compound, Panbazar. The CCC is for the member conventions, associations, churches and organisations. Please call in advance for...


Data Protection!Our gallery of pictures shows the update, ministry, activities and others of CBCNEI. These photos are protected and under no circumstance are they permitted to be reproduced or copied or sharedvia hard and soft means without prior permission from the...


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. The covid pandemic hit the world last year 2020 which took away many loved ones, leaving behind the families, friends and the communities with pains and sorrows; it hit the economic sectors, impacting the individuals, families,...