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Greetings to you all in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In this page I would like to introduce you to Shillong Tyrannus Hall (STH), CBCNEI Students Ministry. Shillong Tyrannus Hall has been over 35 years and has been actively involved in shaping the lives of the young people for the past many years. Tyrannus hall is not just a hostel, tt is a home, where young men are trained, disciplined and nurtured to be effective people of God able to make a change wherever they go. The main goal of STH is to disciple and train the students in bringing up well qualified scholars and spirit filled christians in our society. We emphasize on well rounded developments of a person physically, mentally, academically and spiritually. To this end, we have vespers, theological lectures, Library and sports facilities, spiritual events etc. We have students from all seven states of north east India. The hall is a multicultural setting where students from different tribes, cultures and languages come together to live as brothers. This is the place where students get a chance to share the beauty of diversity. STH is unique for its unity and diversities. With its differences, students are trained to make a difference in the world. Since its inception STH has made tremendous strides in all fields and is consistently looking forward to greater achievements in producing well qualified scholars with academic excellence.


Shillong Tyrannus Hall is a boy’s residential hostel that began in Shillong in 1987 founded by Dr Charles Corwin, with the vision to disciple the young Christians who were pursuing their secular studies and to help them to make difference in their works of life among their peers and environment.

The hall has discipled many young men in the past many years who have now moved to various fields ranging from full time ministry to public service, military and banking service etc. We are proud of what they are doing now in their society. The name “TYRANNUS HALL” is taken from the Bible (Acts 19: 9) where Apostle Paul disciples a few young men in the Hall of Tyrannus. Our aim, likewise is to provide an environment for young men to realise their Christian potential during pre university and university years.


  • To impart training in Christian discipleship and to provide a Christian home, a good environment to excel in their studies.
  • To enable students to raise a testimony for Christ in their lifestyles and studies.
  • To help students discover their gifts and talents, which in turn should help them in their seeking God’s will for their life profession and calling.
  • To promote awareness among students about their responsibilities towards the church and its missions.
  • To promote wholesome spiritual, physical and mental development.
  • To promote a healthy awareness of pressing issues in this world today which demand a Christian response.
  • To develop a sense of belonging among the students by fostering a healthy relationship with one another.


To achieve the aims of the Tyrannus Hall of imparting training in well-rounded Christian discipleship, three spheres of developmental activities will be emphasised: physical, mental and spiritual.

Physical development:

Believing that our body is the temple of the Living God (1 Cor. 6:9), we must seek to keep it clean, holy and healthy. The following activities are required from the students to achieve our goal of keeping physically fit.

  • Physical exercise: There will be daily group exercise.
  • Sports: Students are required to participate in one or more of the following games such as football, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, badminton etc.
  • Social works: In order to emphasize simplicity of lifestyle and dignity of labour, students are required to do some form of manual work at least once a week for the hall.

Mental development:

Students at Shillong Tyrannus Hall are primarily for studies and as Christian this is one area that they must strive to do well. The Hall will take some concrete steps to enable and stimulate students in their academic as well as mental health. The hall shall strive to sharpen the intellectual personality of every student. The following are some of the activities that will be done to achieve the goal.

  • Study hours: There will be a set time schedule for studies every day. Students are required to strictly observe this schedule.
  • Seminars: Seminars will be held at least once in a year. This will aim to enable the students to understand how to relate their academics to real life situations. Seminars on current topics such as political, social, scientific etc. will be held where the Christian view on these current affairs will be presented.
  • Competitions: From time to time debates, extempore speeches, quiz, skit etc will be held. Students are required to participate in all the competitions.

Spiritual development:

The primary purpose of Tyrannus hall being discipling and training, the development of personal relationship of students with God will be given much importance. To lead students closer to God and make them more Christ like the following activities are mandatory to follow for all the students.

  • Evening Vesper: Vesper services are conducted every evening. The students themselves will initiate and lead the service. Boarders will be encouraged to have daily personal devotion too.
  • Theological Lectures: In order to help students get sufficient theological foundation for their Faith and also to gain better understanding of the Bible, the Word of God, theological lectures shall be given from time to time.
  • Evangelistic Outreach: Each student is encouraged to share their faith with others and make conscious effort to win their friends to Christ. Every year an effort will be made to engage the students in evangelistic outreach programs outside Shillong city, preferably during vacation. Every border will be required to participate in an outreach program conducted by the Hall.


The hall is primarily a faculty for training in Christian discipleship and not necessarily established to alleviate accommodation problems. Therefore, students seeking admissions must be those who are not only Christians but who have personally committed to follow Christ and have a desire to grow in their personal relationship with God. And also to serve Christ and His church in whatever profession they may be called to.

  • Keeping the above clause in mind, a serious and intentional effort shall be made to have proportionate representation of students from all CBCNEI conventions.
  • To foster Christian fellowship and unity with other christen groups, 5% seats will be reserved for students of Christian groups other than CBCNEI.
  • Only full time students studying Higher Secondary and Bachelors studies will be considered for admission. Students holding jobs will not be considered.
  • A prerequisite for admission to the hostel is that the applicant must read, understand and agree to abide with the hostel rules and regulations.
  • The Local board will interview each applicant and will have the final authority in the selection of the students.
  • All the students must apply for fresh admission after every academic session. The board will have the right to refuse readmission to any students.

Requirement for admission:

  • All applicants must produce character certificates from the head of their former schools/Institution as well as from the local church Pastor. If one is coming from another hostel, a letter from the superintendent of that hostel must be presented.
  • Every prospective border will be required to produce a medical fitness certificate from the recognised medical officer.
  • Self attested mark sheet of the previous final exam.
  • Two recent passport size photographs.


  • Application forms and prospectus for the academic year 2022- 2023 can be obtain from the Chaplain office on payment of  `150/-
  • Application form can also be downloaded from: www.cbcnei.org


For further information/queries you may contact the following given address and contact number:


Shillong Tyrannus Hall
Baptist Vacation House, Bamfylde Road
Shillong: 793001, Meghalaya, India
Contact No. 9436088834 / 7005169782
Email: kansinlungkamei@gmail.com


Click here to download the Admission Form