9395362273 (Office) | 0361- 4058375 | 6901311212 (Conference Centre) info@cbcnei.org

Our Vision:

The CBCNEI envisions facilitating its members,

  • to shine in their faithful witness to the truth,
  • to strive in their service to the needy, and
  • to struggle utmost for the unity of His Church, the body of Jesus Christ.

Our Mission:

With the help of our God and His People, the CBCNEI

  • serves and empowers the Baptist churches in Northeast India so that they will be effective in transforming the societies within their own communities
  • encourages and equips our Baptist Churches in witnessing Jesus Christ so that all people groups may come to know Jesus Christ and experience life in its fullness;
  • fosters Baptist unity in Christ in the face of divisive forces working against us;
  • advocates justice and renders humanitarian service to the poor and the marginalized; and
  • be an agent of peace and reconciliation against ethnic, religious and political violence.